
To support, promote and advance the sustainable use of effective livestock guardian dogs by farmers and ranchers.


Our vision is to increase the effective use of livestock guardian dogs by Texas farmers and ranchers.


We strongly believe livestock guardian dogs are one of the most cost effective and sustainable means to protect livestock and crops of farmers and ranchers.

We believe that sustainable use of our resources and the land that they are on is critical to the long-term welfare of the agriculture industry.

We promote honesty, integrity and professionalism within the livestock guardian dog community and the agriculture industry.

The Texas LGD Association is a nonprofit organization registered with the State of Texas and the IRS under the United States Internal Revenue Tax Code 501c3. We welcome donations to help promote the effective use of livestock guardian dogs in protecting the future of ranching for producers in Texas. Please email the association secretary if you donate to the organization and want a letter for your tax purposes.

Board of Directors:

President - Michael Annuziato   ma66lonewolf@yahoo.com
Vice President - Kristal Spenrath   kristalspen@yahoo.com
Treasurer - Walter Pfluger   wpfluger@gmail.com
Secretary - Bill Costanzo   bill.costanzo@ag.tamu.edu
Agrilife Representative - Bill Costanzo   bill.costanzo@ag.tamu.edu

Directors at Large:

Region 1:  (Open)
Region 2:  Amanda Stoffels   stoffelsfamilyfarm@gmail.com
Region 3:  Michael Denham  michael@fultonfamilyfarm.com
Region 4:  Peggy Brewer   critterlove@critterlove.com
Region 5:  David Ortiz  Goatdude@msn.com

TLGDA Region Directors Map



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